Income Protection
For no-obligation advice on getting the right cover for you circumstances, get a free consultation with Martin, who will listen to you and get you sorted.Taking out Income Protection Insurance means you’ll be paid a monthly, tax-free income if you are signed off by your doctor as being unable to work due to illness or injury.
You would continue to receive monthly payments until you were able to go back to work, these payments can be vital to ensure you keep up with bills, mortgage repayments, rent or childcare costs.
Executive Income Protection
Executive Income Protection is designed for small/medium-size businesses looking to offer selected employees the benefits of an extended sick pay arrangement.
In the event of injury or illness that leads to loss of earnings, the plan pays a regular monthly benefit to the employer that can be passed on to the employee to help meet their financial commitments, without having to rely solely on state benefits.
Book a free consultation with Martin
What our customers say

Can I Afford to Cover Everything I Need?
Morbi vestibulum volutpat enim. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla.
What’s your business worth without you?
If you own a business often you are the business. Without you it will cease to function. That’s where a relevant life could be relevant to you.
Critical Illness is no shaggy dog story
It’s a slightly surprising (to me anyway) fact that there are more pet insurance policies than critical illness policies in the UK.