Protection For Business People
Specialist business protection from one SME business owner to another.
At Business Protect our mission is to ensure that you, the business owner, the shareholder, the person that decided they wanted more from life than just a job, the person that wanted a better life for yourself and your loved ones, the person that took a goddam risk!….doesn’t lose out if things go sideways, business continues and the loved ones don’t suffer financially because you have huge kahonas.
So ask yourself…are you indulging in unprotected success?!
Trust is everything in business, you need to know the advice you are given is sound, reliable and indemnified. At Business Protect the 4 golden rules of Business Protection are..
- Something is better than nothing
- It has to be to budget
- It has to be fit for purpose
- It has to be regularly reviewed because a year is a long time in business.
Because we review our clients every year to make sure your protection continues to meet the criteria. You can trust us to give you the right advice. We’ll be back!
10 Questions
You need to ask yourself before setting up business protection
What is your bugdet?
What is your biggest priority?
Who is crucial to the ongoing success of your business?
What is your business worth with you and without you?
Do you want to be in business with your business partner's spouse?
Do you have a share/partnership agreement?
Do you have directors loans or a building in a SIPP?
What is your exit/succession strategy?
Who should I really talk to about Business Protection?

About business protect
Business Protect was started by Martin after 7 years in the financial services industry and seeing how a) banks treated their clients knowingly and b) how little generalist practitioners knew about the niche products that exist in the business protection sector.
It’s based on the theory that you can’t possibly be good at everything so trying to be the best in one field can deliver massive value to a client and building a team of specialists even more so.
Articles by Martin
Can I Afford to Cover Everything I Need?
Morbi vestibulum volutpat enim. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla.
What’s your business worth without you?
If you own a business often you are the business. Without you it will cease to function. That’s where a relevant life could be relevant to you.
Critical Illness is no shaggy dog story
It’s a slightly surprising (to me anyway) fact that there are more pet insurance policies than critical illness policies in the UK.
Get a free, no hassle consultation
As a business owner, I totally get that people buy people before they buy products or services. I offer a chat on the phone to see if the chemistry is right to book a meeting. If not, no worries!
By providing your details you are giving consent to us contacting you by email, post or telephone about your protection needs