Articles by Martin
These articles cover key person, share protection and other vital information about how you can protect yourself and your hard work as a UK business owner. No need to yawn, Martin’s insight is blended with wit and tales of rock ‘n’ roll to make this important information entertaining, while answering your concerns. Rock on.
Can I Afford to Cover Everything I Need?
Morbi vestibulum volutpat enim. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla.
What’s your business worth without you?
If you own a business often you are the business. Without you it will cease to function. That’s where a relevant life could be relevant to you.
Critical Illness is no shaggy dog story
It’s a slightly surprising (to me anyway) fact that there are more pet insurance policies than critical illness policies in the UK.
Partnership Protection Insurance – an absolute must
Partnership protection insurance for a partnership is like saying you need legs on a body, strings on a guitar, a helmet on a motorbike.
You do it to yourself you do – relevant life insurance
How you can have share protection as a one person limited company? This is where relevant life insurance is such a fantastic innovative product.
Using a specialist for relevant life insurance – why Michael Jackson got it right
I wouldn’t use a GP for my brain surgery operation and I wouldn’t use a generalist practitioner for my business protection…you might get it right…
Business Protection Golden Rules
It’s all a rip off right? Insurance never pays out. I’ve never had anything go wrong with me for the last (insert arbitrary number of years) so why do I need it?
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