You do it to yourself you do
Relevant Life Insurance
How you can have share protection as a one person limited company. If you ARE your business.
So think about this:
At a 15 times income multiple, if you have an income of £33,333 you can have a relevant life insurance policy for £500,000. Paid for by the company, full corporation tax relief on the premiums. It doesn’t count as a P11D, the proceeds go to your beneficiaries tax free by way of a flexible business trust! Tell me that is not a no-brainer!
Ok Martin, that’s all great but where’s the witty rock and roll analogy! Ok, it’s all about arse covering. I stopped being in a band when my wife became pregnant with our first born, Felix. I was happy suffering for my art but I wasn’t prepared to let my unborn child suffer for my dreams. Hence the logical move into financial services. It’s the same in business, there is risk. A relevant life insurance policy can mitigate that risk and if the worst happens, and you pre-decease your business, your loved ones won’t be left suffering for your dream.
Rock on.

Martin Byrne
Head Honcho at Business Protect
Book a free consultation with Martin
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